What really matters in the SEO world

SEOadvice happy internetListen to me very carefully. If you think I am going to spin your head with SEO acronyms you have come to the wrong site. If you think that the newest technique for giving Google a head fake and slipping into the rankings is contained within these walls… move on.

Have you ever just observed content on the internet and asked yourself how did I come across this site, this blog, this cat video. People the easy answer is the hardest to comprehend. Its all about quality content.  Content makes the world go round. For an in depth look go to: https://www.quicksprout.com

No not just any content, not just aimless words typed onto your browser page or wordpress site.  The kind of content that makes a difference between a click or a pass, a Like or not.

You have to understand the value that the internet is looking for. If its good enough, sure it can be cat video 3.8 million. Once you can throw away old notions of tricking the internet into doing something for you. Why not you do something for the internet.

This is my starting point. Lets give you the goods coming up in the next post.
